Calibrating Activities
Each activity row includes a duration calibration slider which allows you to calibrate the activity duration and immediately view the impact on the rest of the schedule.
Calibration works in a hierarchical manner. When you move a calibration slider for a parent node, calibration for the parent and all unlocked child nodes changes. In addition, the calibration padlock to the left of the parent slider changes to locked. When a node calibration is locked, its calibration level won't change when the calibration of a parent node is changed.
You can calibrate each individual activity or use the grouping options to calibrate groups of activities.
Using Calibration to Manipulate the Schedule
Calibration applied to a parent row automatically cascades down to the children of that row. To set exceptions, or activities that do not follow their parent, re-set the calibration slider on that activity. The activity is locked, which you can see by looking at the
Lock icon next to that activity. If you next adjusted the calibration of the parent, all activities would follow except for the locked activity.
By default these sliders have 6 calibration levels:
Calibration Level | Description |
Off | No calibration required. |
Dark Green | Requires much less time. |
Light Green | Requires less time. |
Yellow | Is realistic. |
Orange | Requires more time. |
Red | Requires much more time. |
You can edit the calibration levels using the Calibration Template Editor.
The slider is located in the Activity grid on the S1 // Projects tab.
Examples of Using Calibration
In the example below, the parent activity has been set to Requires Less Time which has changed the Remaining Duration and Finish Dates for the parent and all child activities.
Before Calibration:
After Calibration:
The example below shows how calibration settings cascade down to child activities. Manufacturing, and all of its children, has been set to Requires More Time. Phase 2 has been flagged as an exception and set as Realistic.
Calibrating Activities Using The Schedule Realism Advisor
Another way to calibrate activities is by using the Schedule Realism Advisor. It provides suggestions for calibrating each activity based on a given criteria. You can use the Realism Advisor dialog box to define whether the Advisor should calculate suggestions using schedule quality, historical performance, metrics, or fields. After the recommendations are shown, you can click the Advisor icon
next to any activity grouping to implement the recommended calibration settings.