You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > Company preferences > Including a date in client invoice header or footer text
Including a date in client invoice header or footer textWhen entering text for the client invoice header or footer, you can include a date that Ajera automatically updates for you. For example, you may want to print the current billing cutoff date in header text as follows: Professional services through 11/30/2010. To include a date in header or footer text:
For example, you type the following in the field: Professional services through [gInvoiceCutoffDate] For this example, the billing cutoff date is 11/30/2010, so this prints on the invoice: Professional services through 11/30/2010.
For example, [gInvoiceCutoffDate-fMMMM dd,yyyy] results in a date formatted as follows: November 30, 2010. You must enter the date format options exactly as shown, in uppercase or lowercase:
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