Add Results to a Resource

Use the Calculations tab of the Resource view to add results to a resource or child resource.

To add a result to a resource, complete the following steps:

  1. Display the Resource view of the resource file that you want to update.
  2. In the Resources grid of the Resource view, select a resource or child resource.
  3. Click the Calculations tab and take one of the following actions:
    • In the Resources group on the Resource Edit tab, click Add Results.
    • Right-click the Calculation pane and select Add Results on the shortcut menu.
  4. On the Add Resource Results dialog box, select the results that you want to add to the resource or child resource that you selected on the Resources grid.
  5. Click Select. If you selected more than one result, clicking Select displays the Order Resource Results dialog box.
  6. On the Order Resource Results dialog box, specify the order of the results using Move Up and Move Down.

    The order of the results has an impact on how you set up the calculations  for a resource. For example, if you want to calculate the G&A (General and Administrative) result as a function of the DIRECT and OVERHEAD results, you must instruct Cobra to list the DIRECT and OVERHEAD results on the grid first, followed by the G&A result.

  7. Click OK to add the selected results to the resource.
  8. Click on the Quick Access Toolbar to save the changes. After adding results to a resource or child resource, you need to set up how Cobra calculates each result. The Source Results pane displays all the results that you can include in the calculation. To create a calculation, select one or more results from the Source Results pane. The results you selected are added together and multiplied by the rate that you selected in the Rate Set field. You can also modify the Result and Units labels in the Calculation pane of the Calculations tab. Use the Data Tool to add a result to a project.