Data Structure

At the heart of Cobra's flexibility is relational database technology, which allows information, once entered, to be used and reused in a variety of ways. This approach provides efficiency in collecting data and power and flexibility in manipulating and analyzing the data.

Furthermore, Cobra avoids the traditional trade-offs of systems based on relational databases: choosing between storing vast amounts of data at low levels of detail (which makes summarization costly in terms of computing resources) and storing information at higher levels (which prevents users from seeing data at the detail level).

Cobra stores data at the lowest level of detail and using carefully validated roll-up structures, consolidates data at the desired level for reporting. The user controls both the roll-up structures and the level of summarization.

The price of this flexibility is, of course, greater user responsibility, especially in the planning of a cost management system using Cobra. A Cobra user must consider each major feature of the system, with an eye to producing the reports that various levels of management need.