Manage Sorts Dialog Box of the Report Wizard

Use this dialog box to create, edit, copy, or delete a sort.

Show Sorts

Use these options to filter the list of sorts displayed.

Field Description
All Select this option to display all of the sorts that you have permissions to use.
Personal Select this option to display only the sorts that you own.
Shared Select this option to display only sorts that you do not own but have permissions to use.

Sort Options

Field Description
File Type Use this field to select the table that contains the sort definition. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
  • Rate
  • Code
  • Resource
  • Calendar
  • Project

After you select a table, the Sorts grid displays all of the sort definitions created for the table. Only the tables that apply to the selected report are listed. By default, the correct data table for the selected report is displayed.

Sort grid Select a sort.
New Click this button to create a new sort.
Attention: For more information, see the New Sort dialog box of the Report wizard help topic.

Click this button to copy a sort. This button is enabled only if you select a sort.


Click this button to edit information for a sort. This button is enabled only if you select a sort.


A confirmation message displays when you click this button. Click Yes to delete the sort. Click No to cancel the deletion of the sort. This button is enabled only if you select a sort.

Note: Only the owner or system administrator can delete shared sorts.