Search in the Cobra Online Help

Cobra's online help system provides all the information you need to use it on a day-to-day basis. One of the primary benefits of using the online help system is the ability to search for information.

Consider the following when performing searches:

  • The help system uses AND search. This means that all keywords entered are returned, regardless of order.
  • Using quotation marks to search for specific phrases does not work.
  • Searches are not case-sensitive.
  • The search process follows a scoring system and prioritizes the results based on the location of the search terms. Terms found in topic titles have a higher priority than those found in the body of the topics. So, the higher the score, the higher location in the result hierarchy. For example running a search for “Cobra” returns 4696 topics. The top result has 125 instances of the search term in the body, so it has a score of 125, and the bottom result had only one instance, so a score of 1.

To display the Cobra Help System, click > Help > Deltek Cobra Help, or click on the upper right corner of the Cobra Explorer.

To display the online help topic for a particular window or dialog box, press the F1 key or click the Help button.