Use the My Timesheets Panel to Create, Select, or Copy a Timesheet

Use the My Timesheets panel to open a new timesheet, select an existing timesheet to edit, or copy a timesheet.

The timesheets that are available on the My Timesheets panel depend on your access rights and the configuration options that are defined by your system administrator.

When you open the My Timesheets Panel, Navigator defaults to display the timesheet from the current period by performing the following:
  • Checks for a timesheet for the current date in an available timesheet period. If there is a timesheet and its status is In Progress or blank (for example, Missing), the timesheet is opened in edit mode.
  • If there is a timesheet with a Submitted status and your employee access is Staff or Group without edit rights, you must have the Allow staff users to resubmit timesheets option selected to open a submitted timesheet in edit mode. Otherwise, the timesheet displays in read-only mode.
  • If there is a timesheet for the current date and period, but its status is Approved or Posted, the timesheet is opened in read-only mode.
  • If there are no timesheets available, a message displays and the timesheet does not open.
Feature Purpose Description
Selection Set drop-down Filters the timesheet list. Open the selection set drop-down list, which defaults to display All Timesheets.
  • All Timesheets — Displays timesheets for all timesheet periods that have been established in Vision.
  • Last 12 months + Next 3 months — Displays all of your timesheets over the past 12 months plus the next 3 months of timesheets if they do not have a Closed period status. The last 12 months is determined by starting with the first day of the current month one year ago, and next 3 months is determined by the last day of the current month to 3 months forward.
Viewing When there are many timesheets on the panel, the Viewing option groups timesheet results in sets of 100. You can scroll through the results sets to locate the timesheet that you need. The timesheets are grouped in sets of 100. For example, if there are 172 timesheets in the results set, the first group of results display as Viewing 1-100 of 172. As you use the arrows to click through the groups of results, Navigator updates to display Viewing 101-172 of 172.
Copy the timesheet Click the Copy button next to the timesheet to copy the project, phase, task, labor code, labor category, payroll tax locale combinations from the selected timesheet to the timesheet you currently have open. Navigator does not copy hours or comments.
Timesheet Status Refer to the lock icon for a quick indication of where the timesheet is in the processing workflow. An Unlocked icon displays next to the timesheet when you can edit as needed. This status indicates that:
  • The timesheet is saved but not submitted.
  • The timesheet is submitted or approved. However, if your access rights allow, you may be able to edit and resubmit as needed.
A Locked icon displays when the timesheet is not editable. This status indicates that the timesheet is:
  • Submitted or Approved and you do not have access rights to edit and resubmit.
  • Posted