Assign an Employee to an Asset Item
You can assign employees to asset items in the Equipment Info Center, which allows you to track who is using an asset item and is responsible for it.
This applies for asset items only. You cannot assign employees to equipment items in the Equipment Info Center.
To assign one or more employees to an asset item, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
On the Equipment Info Center form, use the
Search field to select an existing asset item or click
New on the toolbar to create a new asset item.
- On the Equipment form, click the Assignments tab.
On the toolbar of the Employee Assignments grid, click the
Associate option.
- On the Employee lookup, select one or more employees to assign to the asset item, and click the Select button. Each employee that you selected prefills in a row in the Employee Assignments grid on the Assignments tab.
In the row for each employee in the Employee Assignments grid:
- Be sure that the Assigned check box is selected.
- In the Assigned Date field, enter the date on which the asset item was assigned to the employee. The current date prefills in this field, which you can change.
- Enter address information to identify the location of the asset item, including the office and floor.
On the Equipment form toolbar, click
Save. The asset item that you just assigned to the employee now displays on the Assets tab in the Employee Info Center for the employee.