Purchase Orders Rejected Alert Configuration Dialog Box
If you do not use an approval workflow for approving purchase orders, use this dialog box to enable and configure alerts to be sent when a purchase order is rejected.
To display the dialog box:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- In the Folders field on the Company Alerts Configuration form, select Purchasing.
In the grid, click
Orders Rejected and then click
. The Orders Rejected alert does not display in the grid if you use an approval workflow for approving purchase orders. You select an approval workflow to use for purchase orders on the General tab in .
Alerts Grid
Send To
Field | Description |
Buyer's Supervisor | Select this option if you want to send the alert to the buyer's supervisor. |
Alert Criteria
Delivery Options
You can select one or both of these options.
Email Options
These options are activated when you select Email for the delivery option.