Email Electronic Payment Remittances from Payment Review
If you did not send electronic payment remittances by email for AP voucher or employee expense electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments in AP Payment Processing or Employee Payment Processing, or if you need to resend the remittances for one or more EFT payments, you can send them from the Payment Review form.
To email electronic payment remittances from Payment Review, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- Use the fields on the Search Criteria tab of the Payment Review form to display the EFT payments for which you want to email remittances. If the Search Criteria tab is not displayed in a panel on the left side of the form, click Show Panel on the toolbar.
- In the Payments grid, select the EFT payment or payments. If you select more than one EFT payment at a time, they must all have the same bank, posting period, and posting sequence. If you select a mix of EFT payments and non-electronic payments, remittance emails are only sent for the EFT payments. If you select an EFT payment that was posted using a version of Vision earlier than Vision 7.0, the payment detail required to send the remittance is not available. In that case, Vision displays a message to inform you that you cannot send an email for that payment.
On the grid toolbar, click
Select one of the following options:
Option Description Recipients Click this option to send the email messages and the attached remittances to the recipients specified in the Vendor Info Center or Employee Info Center. Specific Address Click this option to send the email messages and remittances to email addresses that you specify. - On the Remittance Email dialog box, compose the email message or select a saved email message.
Complete one of the following actions:
- Click Send to send the email messages and the attached remittances.
- Click Schedule to open the Schedule dialog box and schedule the email process to run at a later time.