Copy Hours or Amounts Across Periods
You can copy the number of hours or the amount across periods. Vision calculates and spreads the number of hours or amount across the individual cells included within the specified date range.
To copy hours or amounts across periods, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- Open a plan record.
- Click the Labor, Expenses, or Consultants tab.
- Select the date on which you will begin to spread hours or costs. On the Labor grid, right-click a Planned Hours cell; on the Expenses grid or Consultants grid, right-click a Planned Cost cell.
- Click
The Copy dialog box displays. The From: field in the Period Range displays the date on which you will begin to spread costs.
- Use the drop-down list in the To: field to select the date on which to stop spreading costs.
- Enter the number of hours or the amount and click OK.