Add a Report Web Dashpart
You can create a Web dashpart that displays favorite reports.
Prerequisite: In the Reporting application, create a favorite report.
To create a Report Web dashpart, complete the following steps:
Dashboard at the top of the screen.
- On the toolbar, click .
- In the Web Part Name field, enter a name for the dashpart. The name that you enter is the name that displays when the dashpart is added to the Dashboard.
- In the Address Types field, select Report.
- In the Report Favorite field, select a report favorite from the drop-down list. Each report favorite also displays the corresponding report type, such as Employees or Projects. The report favorite name displays as the dashpart name, but you can modify it.
- Optional. Click the Hide Toolbar option to hide the Reporting toolbar on the web dashpart. This is useful if you want to provide extra space in which to display reports that contain graphs.
If you want the report to be rerun each time that you refresh the Dashboard, select the
Always Rebuild Report check box.
If you do not select the Always Rebuild Report check box, the dashpart displays the report as it was rendered the last time that it was run. You must rerun the report in the Reporting application before you load the Dashboard.
You can click the Refresh icon to force the report to be rebuilt, even if the Always Rebuild Report option was not selected.
To set access options, select one of the following actions:
- If the Web dashpart that you are creating does not have any role security applied to it, select Personal.
- If you want to give all available roles access to the dashpart, select Access to all roles.
- If you want to grant a selected group of users access to the dashpart, complete the following actions:
- Clear the Personal check box.
- Click one or more roles in the Available Roles box and click Add to move the roles to the Assigned Roles box.
- To remove a role from the Assigned Roles box, click the role and then click Remove.
- Click OK.