Recover an Asset Item from an Employee
When employees return an asset item that they no longer use, you can unassign the employee and enter a recovery date to track the return of the asset item.
This applies for asset items only. You cannot assign or unassign employees to equipment items in the Equipment Info Center.
To record the return of an asset item from an employee, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- On the Equipment Info Center form, use the Search field to select an asset item that an assigned employee is returning to your company.
- On the Equipment form, click the Assignments tab.
- In the Employee Assignments grid on the Assignments tab, clear the Assigned check box in the row for the employee who is returning the asset item.
In the
Recovered Date field, enter the date on which the employee returned the asset item.
After you clear the
Assigned check box and enter a date in the
Recovered Date field, the employee is no longer assigned to the asset item, but you can still see the history of the assignment in the Employee Assignments grid. The row is not removed from the grid.
If you instead select a row in the Employee Assignments grid and click Remove on the grid toolbar to remove the row, the employee is no longer assigned to the asset item, but the row is permanently removed from the grid, so you no longer see the history of the assignment.
On the Equipment form toolbar, click
Save. The asset item is removed from the Assets tab of the Employee Info Center for the employee.