Perform a Direct Lookup
Direct Lookups are located throughout Vision. They look and function much the same as the Standard lookup, but provide fewer search options.
To search using the Direct lookup, complete the following steps:
to display a Lookup.
- From the Search By drop-down list, select the type of criteria you plan to search by (for example, Client Number or Employee Name).
- Enter any data in the Search Text field that narrows your search, such as an employee's last name or the beginning of a project number. You can enter multiple search strings and separate them by a semicolon to search for multiple records. For example, Apple; Smith; Jones.
- Click Search. A list of all records matching your search criteria displays.
Complete one of the following actions:
- Click Select All to select all records.
- Highlight only those records that you want to display by pressing the CTRL key and clicking Select.
- Use the left arrow and right arrow buttons to navigate through the records you selected.