Display Cash Requirements
Before you produce accounts payable checks, you should review your cash requirements. Determine the amounts that are scheduled for payment and the effect that these payments will have on your firm's cash accounts.
To display cash requirements, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- On the Select Posting Run dialog box, select the posting run and click Open.
On the Vendor Review tab of the AP Payment Processing form, click
Cash Requirements. The Cash Requirements dialog box has two tabs.
- For each vendor in this payment processing run, the By Vendor tab displays the vendor number and name, currency code, balance due, and payment due.
- For each bank code in the payment processing run, the By Bank tab displays the bank code and description, and the total amount due for the bank code.
- If you do not have sufficient cash to pay the amounts due, use the Voucher Details Dialog box to modify the voucher(s) before you continue the payment processing procedure.
- Optional. Generate the Cash Requirements report and review all unpaid vouchers, amounts due, and amounts to be paid in this processing run.