Use Custom Images on Invoices
You can place images in the header or footer portion of an invoice. You can add your company logo to an invoice or position the Invoice box image on the right side of the invoice.
Prerequisite: Upload the custom image that you want to use for the invoice template.
Custom images that were uploaded in Vision 7.1 or later will not be available on the Images tab and will not be available in existing templates. Upload the custom images in Vision 7.2 and associate the custom images to the affected templates.
To use custom images on invoices, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- On the Invoice Template Editor form, open the custom invoice template to which you want to add an image.
Click the Images tab and click
Insert on the Images grid.
- In the Name field drop-down list, select an image.
- In the other fields on the row, specify the margins, width, and height for the image. If you leave the Width or Height fields blank, Vision interprets the width or height to be 0 (zero), and the image will not display.
- Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each image that you want to use with this invoice template. Adding an image on the Images tab does not automatically make it display on the invoice. You must select the image, as instructed in the next step, for the image to display.
- Click the Select column next to the images that you want to add to the invoice template that you selected.
- To place an image in the header of the first page only, select Page 1 Header in the Location field.
To place the same image in the header of every page, create two lines in the Images grid:
- In the Location field in the first row, select Page 1 Header.
- In the Location field in the second row, select Page 2 Header.
- To position the invoice box on the right side of the invoice, clear the Show Invoice Box option on the General tab of the Invoice Template Editor form, and then add your own image of the Invoice box and position it on the right side of the invoice.