Select User-Defined Fields for Analysis Cubes
If you use Vision Analysis Cubes and you purchased the Performance Management application, you can select the user-defined Vision fields that populate the Vision data cubes. User-defined fields do not automatically populate the data cubes.
To select user-defined fields to populate Analysis Cubes:
- On the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- On the User-Defined Components form, click the Custom Fields tab.
In the
Applications field on the Custom Fields tab, select the application for the user-defined field.
For example, select
Projects to add user-defined fields from the Project Info Center to the data cubes.
The grid on the Custom Fields tab displays user-defined fields added to each of an application's tabs.
- For each user-defined field that you want to populate the data cubes, select the check box in the Available for Analysis Cubes column. The Available for Analysis Cubes check box displays only if the Performance Management application is activated. The check box Is enabled or disabled based on the application that you select in the Application field and the data type that you enter in the Data Type field on the User-Defined Components form.
Postrequisite: Use the Resource Kit to update the Project data cubes with the user-defined fields.