Change an Employee's Home Company (Multicompany)
When you use the Multicompany feature, the company that you select when you log in becomes the current, active company. If you create a new employee record, the current company automatically becomes the employee's home company.
Prerequisite: To complete this procedure, you must first select an employee record. See
Select an Employee Record (Multicompany) for the steps.
To change an employee's home company, complete the following steps:
- Make sure the Vendor/Client check box is not selected on the employee record.
- Use the Home Company drop-down list to select a different home company for the employee. The drop-down list includes only active companies with which the employee is associated.
Vision returns to the General tab of the Employee Info Center, where the
Home Company field populates with the name of the newly selected company. The following also applies:
- The tabs and fields that display are based on the company that the current record is associated with. For example, if the employee is associated with four different companies but only one company has access to Vision Payroll, the Payroll tab of the Employee Info Center only displays when you are viewing that company's record.
- The values that are available in the individual fields and lookups are based on the company that the record is associated with. For example, the Organization lookup lists only organizations and codes that are associated with the current company. The organizations that are available are based on the selected company.