Copy a Company Record
To add a new company, you can copy an existing company record and modify data, instead of creating a record from scratch.
When you copy a company to create a new company, payroll accrual codes, contribution codes, and withholding codes are automatically copied to the new company.
You can choose:
Whether to copy the Chart of Accounts structure from the old company to the new company.
Which setup information (configuration settings and structures) you copy from the old company to the new company.
To copy and modify a company record, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- On the Subcodes tab of the Organization Codes form, move the row selector to the code for the company that you want to copy.
- On the General tab and Formatting tab of the Copy Company dialog box, modify the information to reflect the new company's details.
- If your firm uses the Multicurrency feature, modify the list of currencies on the Currency tab.
- On the Copy Information tab, select the
- Click the Copy Information tab and select the types of data that you want to copy.
Before you process any data for the new company, you must log out of Vision and log back in again.