Preview Window
When you preview a report, Vision displays the report on your computer screen, on the Preview window. You can review or print the report, send the report as an email attachment, send a link to the report in an email message, or download the report to a file.
When you click
on the toolbar on the Preview window,
Vision displays the report as it would look if you printed it. When the report is in this print layout mode you cannot do the following:
Use the document map to locate data.
Use Search to search for data.
Drill down to view supporting detail.
Collapsed and Expanded Groups
On the Sorting/Grouping tab, you can set up group levels so that you can collapse and expand the groups at that level to display or hide the sub-groups and detail rows when you preview the report. If you print the report from the Preview window, the groups are expanded or collapsed just as they are in the Preview window.
If this option is available,
Vision displays
next to the group labels of collapsed groups. Click
to expand the group.
Vision displays
next to the group labels of expanded groups. Click
to collapse the group.
Note that if you search for text in a previewed report, the search only finds the target text if it is visible when you do the search. It does not find data that is hidden in collapsed groups.