Use Account Groups in General Ledger Reports
Account groups enable you to group related accounts on your general ledger reports. In the Account Info Center, first set up account group names, and then set up account group tables that list the accounts or ranges of accounts in each account group.
The Account Analysis report and the Trial Balance report do not display data at the summary account group level.
To use account groups in your general ledger report, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- Open the Options dialog box for the report that you want to generate.
- On the General tab, do the following:
Select the account group table in Group Table. If you select a summary account group, you are selecting both the summary account group and detail account groups associated with it.
If you are generating a Balance Sheet, Income Statement, or Profit Planning Monitor, use Hide Account Number to specify whether or not the account number is displayed. If you hide the account number, Vision sorts the data by account number but displays the account name in place of the account number.
- On the Sorting/Grouping tab, do the following:
Account Number and Account Type are selected by default.
Select the Sort check box for Account Group. Move Account Group up in the list so that the sort order is Account Type, Account Group, Account Number.
Account Type must always be the first sort option.
- Click Apply to apply your settings and close the dialog box.
- Click
Preview on the toolbar to generate and view the report with your new sorting and grouping options.