iAccess for Vision Integration Overview
Vision Planning integrates with iAccess for Vision to make it possible for you to manage complex projects through an alternative, streamlined application.
iAccess for Vision offers real-time planning, budget, invoice, and reporting statistics that are optimized to follow planning best practices. You can use the simplified analysis tools of iAccess for Vision to identify and act on project performance issues or risks.
There are different means for identifying plans that are:
- Created in iAccess for Vision — You can quickly identify a plan that was created in iAccess for Vision because the heading in the Project Planning context area is Planned in iAccess. Plans that are created in iAccess for Vision are read-only, but you can use the feature to edit the plan in Vision.
- Checked out by another user — In Resource Management, an iAccess for Vision Plan Status button displays on the header for Resource Utilization and Generic Resources. Click this button to access the iAccess for Vision Plan Status dialog box, which lists the plans that are currently checked out and/or have unpublished changes.
- Have unpublished changes — A
Caution indicator displays in the Info column on the Resource Utilization and Generic Resources grids to alert you that a project has an iAccess for Vision plan with unpublished changes and that you may not be viewing the most current data. Because Vision reports only include iAccess for Vision plan data that is published, this indicator also displays next to the respective project and in the footer on the following reports: Project Progress report and the Resource Utilization by Organization Planning report.