Order Resource Results Dialog Box

This dialog box displays if you selected more than one result in the Add Resource Results dialog box. Use Move Up and Move Down to change the order of the results.

Click Cancel to add the results to the resource using the default order.


To display the Add Resource Results dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. Display the Resource view of the resource file that you want to update.
  2. In the Resources grid of the Resource view, select a resource or child resource.
  3. Click the Calculations tab and display the Add Resource Results dialog box by completing one of the following steps:
    • In the Resources group on the Resource Edit tab, click Add Results.
    • Right-click the Calculation pane and select Add Results on the shortcut menu.
  4. On the Add Resource Results dialog box, select the results that you want to add to the resource or child resource that you selected on the Resources grid.
  5. Click Select. If you selected more than one result, clicking Select displays the Order Resource Results dialog box.