Delete a Default Charge

You can remove a default charge from an expense report by deleting it.

To delete a default charge:

  1. Tap , and tap Expense Reports.
  2. Tap the Expense Reports tab.
  3. Scroll through the list of expense reports, and tap an expense report to open and edit.
  4. On the Expense Report screen, tap Default Charges.
  5. On the Default Charges screen, tap next to the charge you want to delete.
    The check mark turns green after you tap it. You can tap one or multiple charges.
  6. Tap Delete.
  7. Tap Yes on the prompt to delete the charge.
    Costpoint Mobile T&E removes the charge and saves the changes.

    The deleted charge no longer displays on the Default Charges screen.

    Note: Alternatively, you can remove a charge from the Favorites list on the Manage Favorites screen.