System Variable 1192: File Extensions Allowed When Uploading a File
Use System Variable 1192 to determine the permitted file types that you can upload to the Storage Provider—for example, as attachments to vouchers and documents on jobs, tasks, chats, and so on.
This setting allows the file extensions png, jpeg, jpg, txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, svg, heic. Use comma (,) to separate each file extension; spaces after commas are optional.
If the file type is not one of the allowed extensions, WorkBook blocks the upload and displays an error message with the list of unsupported files.
In the Creditor Invoices submodule, if you click
Invoice conversation
to access the additional files attached to an invoice and there are unsupported files attached, this error message is displayed:

Could not download files, formats not supported by system variable 1192: <file name>
The default values for this System Variable are png, jpeg, jpg, txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf.
Note: These file types are always allowed, even if they are not included in the value of System Variable 1192: bmp, csv, data, gif, htm, mht, odt, pdf, rtf, txt, wav, xls, xlsx, xml.
It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.