Delete a Timesheet Line

You can remove a timesheet line on the Timesheet screen or on the Edit Charge screen by deleting it.

To delete a timesheet line:

  1. Take one of the following actions:
    • On the Timesheet screen, swipe the timesheet line, and tap Delete.
    • On the Edit Charge screen, tap Delete Charge.
    Costpoint Mobile T&E displays a message that varies depending on the version of Costpoint you are using.
    • If you are using Costpoint 8.1, Costpoint Mobile T&E displays "Are you sure you want to delete this charge?". Tapping Yes zeroes out the timesheet line.
    • If you are using Costpoint 8.2, Costpoint Mobile T&E displays "This line will be cleared and deleted. Are you sure?". Tapping Yes removes the timesheet line.
      • If the Do not Allow Delete Timesheet Line option is selected in Costpoint Time & Expense, tapping Save refreshes the screen. The deleted timesheet line displays, and its recorded hours is set to 0.
      • If the Do not Allow Delete Timesheet Line option is not selected in Costpoint Time & Expense, tapping Save permanently deletes the timesheet line.