
The Companies area of Deltek CRM provides quick access to key information for clients, vendors, subconsultants, government agencies, and competitors.

Basic information, such as company name, types of roles (client, subconsultant, and so on), relationship to your firm, and primary address, is always visible. Other information displays on the Overview, Touchpoints, Associations, Contacts, and Team tabs. (Your system administrator may also add custom tabs to supplement these standard tabs.)

Company Summary Information

The name and general market for the currently selected company display in the upper-left corner of the Companies area and key data (company types of roles, status, relationship to your firm, number of employees, and so on) display down the left edge.

Company Search and Add Company Option

Use the company search field above the company name to display an existing company. Use the + Add Company option next to the list to add a new company.

Use the company search field above the company name to display an existing company. The search list includes both companies created in Deltek CRM and clients and vendors created in Deltek CRM. Use the + Add Company option next to the list to add a new company.


Use the toolbar in the upper-right corner of the area to edit company information or add a touchpoint for the company.


Use the tabs to display and edit additional information related to the currently selected company:
  • Overview: Use the Overview tab to review and edit key data, such as the company description, specialties, and so on.
  • Touchpoints: Use the Touchpoints tab to review touchpoints that have occurred or are scheduled for the company and to add new touchpoints.
  • Associations: Use the Associations tab to create and maintain lists of the opportunities and other companies that are associated with a company .
  • Contacts: Use the Contacts tab to view and update contact information for the company.
  • Team: Use the Team tab to create and maintain a list of your employees who are associated with the company and to describe their relationships to that company.

Related Help Topics

Use these links to display lists of help topics that contain step-by-step instructions, field and option descriptions, and more in-depth discussions of selected subjects.