System Field Values

You can use the Lists tab in the Customization area of the Configuration workspace to specify the valid values for system fields. Those values are then displayed in drop-down selection lists when you enter data in the fields.

Example: Values for the Opportunity Source Field

When you implement Deltek CRM, you use the Lists tab in the Customization area of Configuration to specify the valid values for system fields, including the Opportunity Source field. To do that, you click at the end of the grid row for Opportunity Source to display the default values that Deltek provides. You then delete any of those values that do not apply to your firm, and you click + Add Entry to add any potential sources of new business that were not included in the default list of values (a specific trade journal or industry organization, for example).

The values that you define for Opportunity Source then become the only values that can be selected in the SOURCE field when someone adds a new opportunity.

System Fields

This table provides a list of the system fields, describes where the fields are used in Deltek CRM, and provides any additional information you need to set up and maintain the lists of values.

For this System Field... Create a list of possible... The values for this field are used in the...
Company Role

Roles for a company for an opportunity.

Note: By default, this field has Owner in its list of values. You cannot delete that value, but you can change its label.

ROLE field in the Companies grid on the Team tab in the Opportunities area

ROLE field on the Associations tab in the Companies area

Company Market Primary general markets in which a company might participate (for example, Commercial , Health Care , Federal Government ). MARKET field on the Add/Edit Company form in the Companies area
Company Relationship Relationships a company could have with your firm. For example, for a client company, the field might contain Existing or Former. RELATIONSHIP field on the Add/Edit Company form in the Companies area
Company Specialty Types of services or products in which a company specializes. SPECIALTY field on the Add/Edit Company form in the Companies area
Company to Company Relationship Relationships a company could have to an associated company (for example, Parent or Subsidiary).

RELATIONSHIP field on the Associations tab in the Companies area

Contact Role

Roles for a contact for an opportunity.

Note: By default, this field has Owner Contact in its list of values. You cannot delete this value, but you can change its label.

ROLE field in the Team Members grid on the Team tab in the Opportunities area

ROLE field on the Associations tab in the Contacts area

Contact Source

Sources of your relationships with contacts (for example, Client Reference or Trade Show).


  • By default, this field has GovWin IQ in its list of values. You cannot delete that value, but you can change its label.
  • This field allows users to either select from the list you set up or enter a value that is not on the list.
SOURCE field on the Add/Edit Contact form in the Contacts area
Contact Title

Contact job titles.

Note: This field allows users to either select from the list you set up or enter a value that is not on the list.

TITLE field on the Add/Edit Contact form in the Contacts area

TITLE field on the Contacts tab in the Companies area

Contact to Contact Relationship Relationships a contact could have to an associated contact (for example, Ex-coworker, Friend, Administrative Assistant).

RELATIONSHIP field on the Associations tab in the Contacts area

Country Countries for opportunity, company, or contact locations.

COUNTRY field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

COUNTRY fields on the Add/Edit Company form in the Companies area

COUNTRY fields on the Add/Edit Contacts form in the Contacts area

County Counties for opportunity locations.

Note: This field allows users to either select from the list you set up or enter a value that is not on the list.

COUNTY field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

Employee Role

Roles for an employee for an opportunity.

Note: Project Manager, Principal, and Supervisor are not included in the list of values for this field, but they are always available when you select employee roles. You do not need to add those values on the Lists tab.

ROLE field in the Team Members grid on the Team tab in the Opportunities area

Employee Title

Employee job titles.

Note: This field allows users to either select from the list you set up or enter a value that is not on the list.

TITLE field on the Employee Information dialog box, which is displayed from the Users area in the Configuration workspace

Employee to Company/Contact Relationship Relationships an employee could have to an associated company or contact (for example, Former Employee, Friend, Former Colleague).

RELATIONSHIP field on the Team tab in the Companies area

RELATIONSHIP field on the Team tab in the Contacts area

Master Contract

Types of master contracts for an opportunity.

Note: This system field is only available if Enable Government Contracting is selected in the General area in the Configuration workspace.

MASTER CONTRACT field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area


North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and descriptions for an opportunity.


  • This system field is only available if Enable Government Contracting is selected in the General area in the Configuration workspace.
  • The default list is very long. If you expect to use only a small subset of the codes, you can delete the others to make the drop-down lists more efficient to use.
  • To search the list in the Settings dialog box for a particular code, type one or more characters from the code description in the SEARCH NAICS field to display only codes whose descriptions contain those characters.
  • You can add codes, change the code descriptions, and delete codes, but you cannot change the codes themselves once they are saved.

NAICS field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Award Type

Award types for an opportunity (for example, IDIQ - GWAC, IDIQ - Agency Specific, BPA).

Note: This system field is only available if Enable Government Contracting is selected in the General area in the Configuration workspace.

AWARD TYPE field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Closed Reason Reasons for closing (no longer actively pursuing) an opportunity.

REASON field on the Close Opportunity dialog box, which is displayed from the toolbar in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Competition Type

Competition types (small business statuses) for an opportunity (for example, HubZone or Woman Owned Small Business Set-Aside ).

Note: This system field is only available if Enable Government Contracting is selected in the General area in the Configuration workspace.

COMPETITION TYPE field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Contract Type

Contract types for an opportunity (for example, Cost Plus Fixed Fee or Time and Materials).

Note: This system field is only available if Enable Government Contracting is selected in the General area in the Configuration workspace.

CONTRACT TYPE field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Milestone Milestone activities for an opportunity (for example, Initial Meeting or Internal Marketing Meeting).

Note: This field allows users to either select from the list you set up or enter a value that is not on the list.

NAME field in the Key Milestones grid on the Activities tab in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Probability

Probability percentages and descriptions for an opportunity (for example, 60 and Proposal Stage, 70 and Reviewed and Submitted Proposal).

Note: The values you enter in VALUE in the Settings dialog box should be whole number percentages in the range from 0 to 100. Deltek CRM uses that value, along with the estimated revenue amount for an opportunity, to calculate a weighted revenue amount.

PROBABILITY field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Source

Sources of an opportunity (for example, Client Contacts, Marketing Campaign, GovWin IQ).

Note: By default, this field has GovWin IQ in its list of values. You cannot delete that value, but you can change its label.

SOURCE field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Stage

Pipeline stages for opportunities (for example, Lead, Proposal, Won).

Note: In addition to defining stages, you can identify the "closed" stages, stages to which opportunities that are no longer actively pursued are assigned (a Lost stage and a Won stage, for example). Only these stages can be selected in STAGE on the Close Opportunity dialog box.

STAGE field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

STAGE field on the Close Opportunity dialog box, which is displayed from the toolbar in the Opportunities area

Opportunity Type Types of opportunities (for example, Laboratories, Medical Facilities, Office Buildings.

TYPE field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

Our Role Roles for your firm for an opportunity (for example, Prime, Subcontractor, Unknown).

ROLE field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area


States or provinces for opportunity, company, or contact locations.

Note: To specify states and provinces in the Settings dialog box, first select the country in which they are located. The countries that are available for selection are those you specify for the Country system field.

STATE/PROVINCE field on the Add/Edit Opportunity form in the Opportunities area

STATE/PROVINCE fields on the Add/Edit Company form in the Companies area

STATE/PROVINCE fields on the Add/Edit Contacts form in the Contacts area

Values Order in Drop-Down Lists

Regardless of the order in which you define the values for a system field, the values always display for selection in alphanumeric order. If you have a list, such as the list for Opportunity Stage, for which you want the values in an order other than alphanumeric, you can begin each value with a number (for example, 1 Lead) so that sorting alphanumerically results in the sequence you want.

System Fields Not Restricted to the List

Like other system fields, the following fields provide drop-down lists of values, but they also allow users to enter a value that is not on the drop-down list for the field:
  • Contact Title
  • Contact Source
  • Employee Title
  • County
  • Opportunity Milestone

Fields that are not restricted to the options on the drop-down list behave differently from other fields in a couple of other ways also:

  • If you delete one of the values from the list of standard values for the field, those deleted values remain in any records for which they were previously selected. For fields that restrict entries to values on the drop-down lists, deleting a value removes that value from all records for which it was previously selected.
  • If you change a value in the list of standard values in Configuration (correct a typing error, for example), that change does not affect any records for which that value was previously selected. For fields that restrict entries to values on the drop-down lists, changing a value in Configuration also changes that value in all records for which it was previously selected.

When a user enters a value that is not in the drop-down list, that entry only applies to that one instance. It is not added to the standard list of values for that field. The only way to add a new value for a system field is to add it in the grid on the Lists tab in the Customization area of the Configuration workspace.

Deleting Values

To delete a value from the list for a system field, display the list in the Settings dialog box, hover over the value in the grid, and click X.

In most cases, if the item you want to delete was previously selected for an opportunity, company, or contact, Deltek CRM displays a warning message. If you continue and delete the value, it is removed from all records for which it was selected. The exceptions are values for system fields that allow users to type in values that are not included in the drop-down list. For those fields, the value selected for opportunities, companies, or contacts remains in those records after you delete the value from the list.

Some system fields have one or more default values that cannot be deleted because Deltek CRM requires them for internal processing. Those values are noted in the table above.