Configuration: Customization: Lists Tab

Use the Lists tab in the Customization area of the Configuration workspace to specify valid values for system fields use drop-down selection lists (for example, a list of the valid opportunity stages for your firm).


Field Description
Lists grid A number of fields in Deltek CRM provide drop-down lists for selecting valid values. Use this grid to specify the valid values for those system fields. Deltek CRM provides default values for most of the system fields, but you can add other values, delete default values that you do not want to use, and edit existing default values.
Lists search field To locate the list for a particular system field, type one or more characters from the system field name in the field next to the grid title. That filters the grid so that it only displays system fields that contain those characters. To restore the full list, click X at the end of the field.
Area filter field To limit the field names in the grid to those that relate to a particular Deltek CRM area, click in the second field to the right of the grid name and select Opportunities, Companies, or Contacts.
FIELD LIST This column displays the system fields for which you can specify values.

Some system fields are only available if Enable Government Contracting is selected in the General area of the Configuration workspace.

VALUES This column displays the number of values that are currently specified for the system field, followed by as many of those values as fit in the available space.
To add, delete, or edit values for a system field, hover over the grid row for the system field and click this icon to display the Settings dialog box for the system field.
Settings dialog box: + Add Entry To add a new value for the system field, click + Add Entry below the grid to create a blank grid row.
Settings dialog box: VALUE This column displays the list of valid values for the system field. You can edit an existing value, and you can click + Add Entry to enter a new value.
The Settings dialog boxes for most system fields only contain a single grid column for the valid values. These are the exceptions:
  • Opportunity Probability: Enter a probability percentage in VALUE (for example, 60) and a description or explanation in DESCRIPTION (for example, Proposal Stage).
  • Opportunity Stage: Enter the possible stages in VALUE, and select the CLOSED STAGE check box for any stages to which you assign opportunities that are no longer actively pursued (a Lost stage or Awarded stage, for example). When an opportunity is closed, only stages for which CLOSED STAGE is selected can be assigned to that opportunity.
  • States: First select the country in COUNTRY, and then enter an abbreviation for the state or province in ABBREVIATION and the full name in VALUE.
  • NAICS: If you need to add an NAICS code, enter the numeric code in CODE and the code description in DESCRIPTION. Note: The default list of NAICS values is very long. Often the quickest way to find a specific code is to use the search field above the grid. You can search for either a partial code or partial description.
Settings dialog box: X To remove one of the values for the system field, hover over the row for that value, and click X at the end of the row.

Note: Some system fields have one or more special values that you cannot remove because Deltek CRM requires them for internal processing. You can, however, change the text that displays in drop-down lists for those values.

Settings dialog box: Save/Cancel Click Save in the Settings dialog box to save your changes. Click Cancel to discard any unsaved changes.