Organizations Summary

Key information and options for the organization always remains visible at the top and along the left side of the Organizations area as you move from one tab to another.


Field Description
Organization search

Use the field immediately above the organization name to search for and select the organization that you want to review or edit.

On the drop-down list at the left end of the search field, select a standard or custom search:
  • Click ACTIVE to select from a list of active organizations only.
  • Click ALL to select from a list of all organizations (both active and inactive).
  • Click MINE to select from a list of organizations for which you are a member of the team. (You are on an organization's team if you are listed on the Team tab for that organization.)
  • Click a previously saved custom search to display the organizations returned by that search. (To see the search criteria for the currently selected custom search in a tooltip, hover over the search name if the search is saved, or over Custom if it is not saved. Tablet users can display the search in the Custom Organization Search dialog box to see the search criteria.)
  • Click Custom at the bottom of the list to create and save or apply a new custom search.
To further restrict the list of organizations, do either of the following in the search field:
  • To search for and display a list of organizations with names or aliases that begin with a specific character, type the character in the field and pause.
  • To search for and display a list of organizations with names or aliases that contain a specific sequence of two or more characters, type the characters in the field and pause.

Tip: If you enter characters in the search field and then want to remove them, click the icon at the end of the field to clear the field.

Tip: The number of organizations in the current search results displays at the right end of the search field.

+ Add Organization

Click + Add Organization to add a new organization.

This link is only available if have the access rights that are required to add records.


The name of the organization displays above the tabs.

If the name is too long to display completely, position the mouse pointer over it to display a tooltip containing the full name.

To edit the name, hover over the name, click , and edit the name in the field that displays.

Market The general market in which the organization participates (for example, Commercial, Health Care, or Federal Government) displays just below the organization name.

To change the market, click on the Organizations toolbar.

Last modified

These fields, located below the organization name, display the date the organization information was last changed and the name of the person who made the changes.

Organization types The types of roles the organization plays (Client, Partner , Government Agency, Competitor) display below the organization image.

To edit the organization type, click on the Organizations toolbar.

Status This field displays the organization status: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.

To change the status, click it and select the new value.

Relationship This field displays the organization's relationship with your firm. For example, for a client organization, the field could contain Existing or Former.

To change the relationship, click it and select the new value.

Employees This field displays the number of employees in the organization.

To change that number, hover over the field, click , and enter the number in the Edit Employees dialog box.

Annual Revenue This field displays the organization's annual revenue.

To change that amount, hover over the field, click , and enter the amount in the Edit Annual Revenue dialog box.

Organization Information These fields display the organization's primary address, phone number, and fax number.

To change that information, hover over the fields, click next to Organization Information, and make the changes in the Edit Location dialog box. To select a different location as the organization's primary location, click on the Organizations toolbar, and make that change on the Edit Organization form.

Web site This field displays the organization's Web site URL.

To change the URL, hover over the field, click , and enter the URL in the Edit Website dialog box.

Recommend If the organization is recommended, displays. If it has not been recommended, displays.

To change from one to the other, click the field.