To specify how you want
Deltek CRM to manage the use of passwords, go to the Security area in the Configuration workspace.
To specify password policies, complete the following steps:
In the Configuration workspace, click
on the left edge of the
Deltek CRM page to go to the Security area.
in the
PASSWORD STRENGTH field and select the level of "strength" (effectiveness in resisting theft) that you want to require.
MIN LENGTH, enter the minimum number of characters a password can contain.
in the
EXPIRATION field and select the maximum length of time a user can use the same password without replacing it.
To control how long a user must wait before he or she can reuse an old password, select
Restrict Password Reuse and enter the number of days in the associated field.
LOGIN LOCKOUT, enter the number of consecutive invalid login attempts after which the user name will be locked out of
Deltek CRM.