Create Estimated Revenue Allocation Templates
Use the Estimated Revenue tab of Opportunity Settings Configuration to set up allocation default values and to set up and save templates for use as the basis for Estimated Revenue entries on the Estimated Revenue Tab in the Opportunity Info Center.
To create estimated revenue allocation defaults and templates:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- Complete the fields on the Estimated Revenue tab of the Opportunity Settings form.
Complete one of the following actions:
Option Description To add a new template Click Insert. The Estimated Revenue Allocation Template dialog box displays, which you use to enter details about the template.
To modify an existing template Select the template and click Edit. The Estimated Revenue Allocation Template dialog box displays, which you use to modify details about the template. To copy an existing template Select the template that you want to copy and click Copy. You can then edit that template.
To delete an existing template Select the template and click Delete. When prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
- Click OK.