Create a Standard Purchase Order
A standard purchase order is a contract to purchase specified items in specified quantities, at specified prices, under specified delivery terms.
A service purchase order is a contract to purchase specified services. The steps below apply for creating a standard purchase order, not a service purchase order.
To create a standard purchase order, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click
- On the toolbar of the Purchase Orders form, click The screen refreshes to show a <New P.O.> with . Standard prefilled in the Type field on the General tab.
- Complete the fields on the General tab. If you do not specify a purchase order number in the Number field, Vision assigns a number when you save the purchase order.
- On the Agreement tab, specify excess receiving and limits, if excess receiving is permitted.
- On the Shipping tab, select a ship-to code.
On the Line Items tab, insert a row in the grid and enter a purchase order item and repeat for as many items that you need to add to the purchase order.
You must enter at least one row.
If you create a purchase order from a requisition or request for price quote, this tab has all of the items you selected.
- On the Billing tab, specify the bill-to code and the payment terms.
- On the Clauses tab, select any clauses to print on the top or bottom of the purchase order form.
- On the Default Distribution tab, you must specify at least one project.
Submit to do either of the following:
- Send the purchase order to an approver if you use approval workflows for approving purchase orders. (You turn on the use of approval workflows for purchase orders in .)
- Change the purchase order's status from In Progress to Approved if you do not use approval workflows.
After a purchase order is approved, you can final print it.