Add a New Timesheet Entry File
You can add a new timesheet file in Transaction Entry.
To add a new file, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
In the
Transaction Type field on the Transaction Entry form, select
The transaction type list is filtered based on your security role's access rights. If you use Vision Multicompany, this list is further refined based on the active company. See the Accounting tab of Role Security (
) for more information. -
On the New File dialog box, complete the following actions:
- In the File Name field, enter a name for the transaction file.
- If this will be a recurring transaction, select the Recurring option.
- In the Start Date and End Date fields, enter or select the dates for the transaction file.
- If you have diaries set up in Accounting System Settings Configuration, use the Diary field to specify a diary type for the transaction. The Diary Number field auto populates with the diary number when you save the transaction.
- Optional. In the Control Total field, enter an amount and use the related fields to specify the regular and overtime hours.
- Click OK.
The dialog box closes and the transaction file opens on the Timesheets form.
- In the Employee header field on the Timesheets form, specify the employee.
To specify line items for the transaction file, add rows to the grid.
Option Description To add a new line item Place the row selector on the row above where you want to add the new line item and click Insert.
To add a new line item that is similar to an existing one Place the row selector on the row that you want to copy and click Copy. Modify the data on the new row.
To delete a line item Place the row selector on the row and click Delete.
The fields below the grid display summary information for the transaction file.