Pin the Work Breakdown Structure Tree
You can display graphical representations of your WBS structures.
When you see the WBS
icon, pin the WBS structure to navigate more easily between the WBS elements (phases and tasks) that you are working on.

To pin the WBS tree, complete the following steps:
. On a separate dialog box, Vision displays a WBS tree graphic that represents the current project's WBS structure.
On the dialog box, click
to pin the WBS tree so that the dialog box remains open when you select phases and tasks.
Select the appropriate action:
- To see data for a different phase or task, click its identifier in the pinned tree. When you select an entry from the WBS tree while it is pinned, the tree remains visible.
- To change the width of the WBS tree, drag its right edge.
- To close the WBS tree, click the X at the top right corner of the tree.