Request Absence Dialog Box
Use this dialog box, which opens from the Timesheet application, to enter and submit absence requests for vacation, sick leave, and so on for approval.
This dialog box opens the Absence Requests form from the Absence Requests application (
. However, from a timesheet you can only enter and submit an absence request. You cannot open other approval requests or see the more detailed progress of submitted requests as you can directly in the Absence Requests application.- You can enter an absence request for only the person that the timesheet belongs to. The Employee field prefills with the employee whose timesheet was opened, which you cannot change.
- You cannot see the approval status, state, and step information for an absence request, as you can in the Absence Requests application.
- You do not have access to all the toolbar options that you have in the Absence Requests application.
- You cannot open and view another absence request using a Search field.
Display the Request Absence Dialog Box
The Request Absence dialog box displays in the Timesheet application.
To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:
- From the Navigation menu, click .
- Open a timesheet.
On the Timesheet form toolbar, click
- On the Benefit Hours dialog box, click the Request Absence button. The Request Absence button displays only if you have a benefit accrual code that has been configured for absence request approvals. This configuration is entered on the Benefit Accrual Setup tab in .
Toolbar of Request Absence Dialog Box
Use the toolbar to submit absence requests for approval.
General Tab of Request Absence Dialog Box
Use this tab to enter information and dates for an absence request.
Three-Month Calendar Section
Hours Requested Grid
This grid displays the dates that you select from the calendars for the current absence request.To delete a date from the grid, you must click a blue-highlighted date from the calendar to deselect it from the calendar.
Comment Text Box
Absence Requests Grid
This grid provides a summary view of absence requests for the employee for whom the current absence request applies. All absence types display in the grid. When you open the Absence Requests form, only absence requests that have days that occur in the future (they have not yet been taken off) display in the grid. The date in the Last Day field in the grid is after today's date. Use the Hide Past Requests and Show Past Requests toggle option on the toolbar to change the contents of the grid.