Add a New Detail Account Group Table and Insert Accounts
In each account group table, you can specify a range of account numbers or a single account number.
If Vision detects possible duplicate records during this procedure, the Potential Duplicate Records Found dialog box displays. This dialog box lists any existing record that already has the identifier that you are trying to use for a new record.
To add a new detail account group table and insert accounts, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- On the Account Group Tables Info Center form, click the Detail Account Group tab.
New and then select
New Account Group Table on the toolbar.
- Enter a name and a number for the account group table.
- Select settings for the other options on the tab.
Insert to insert an account or range of accounts. To specify a single account number, enter the same account number in the Start Account and End Account fields.
- Use the Test Setup option to check that each account is assigned to a detail account group. If an account is not associated with a group, the account displays with the label of other on reports.