Section E Menu of SF330 Proposals Form
Click the
menu icon next to the title "E. Resumes of Key Personnel Proposed for this Contract," to access a number of functions that help you fill out Section E of the SF330.
Add Employees — Opens a lookup that shows the employees:
- Whose organization is on the Associated Organizations tab of a proposal firm in Section C, or
- With the Vendor/Client check box selected, and the vendor/client is in Section C, and
- Whose Status is either Active or Inactive, if the Active Only check box is cleared on the lookup dialog; otherwise, whose Status is Active.
The lookup list always omits employees whose Status is Terminated.
You can select more than one employee at the same time.
Add Any Employee — Opens the Employee lookup, showing all employees:
- Whose Status is Active, if the Active Only check box is selected, and
- Whose Status is Active or Inactive, if the Active Only check box is cleared.
The lookup list always omits employees whose Status is Terminated.
You can select more than one employee at the same time.
For each employee you add using this option, you must add the employee's firm to Section C, if it is not there now.
- Delete Employees — Opens a Delete Item(s) dialog box showing the employees put into the proposal using Add Employees or Add Any Employee. The dialog box list omits employees whose data was written into Section E. You can select and delete a team member.
- Reorder Employees — Opens a Reorder Items dialog box showing the employees put into the proposal using Add Employees or Add Any Employee. The dialog box list omits employees whose data was written into Section E. Select the employee to reorder, then click Up or Down to move the employee to a different location in the list. When you agree with the new sequence, click OK.
- Go To Employee — Opens a lookup showing the employees put into the proposal using Add Employees or Add Any Employee. The dialog box list omits employees whose data was written into Section E. Select an employee to show the employee's page of Section E.